What is Botox?

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

We all know Botox helps us look young—but how does it work?

For many people, botulinum toxin (“Botox”) is associated with looking refreshed and youthful. But how exactly does it work?

Botox is called a neuromodulator. It is a protein of molecular size that when injected into muscles helps to reduce muscular contraction. In other words, it stops muscles from working! In aesthetic medicine, we utilize these properties of Botox in target muscles to achieve a very desirable effect – reducing dynamic wrinkles.

You see, as we age, the harmful UV radiation from the sun causes damage to our skin. Over decades of sun exposure, our skin becomes thin, dry, and wrinkly. Combine this with decades of laughing, frowning, and squinting, we create lines on our forehead, around the eyes, on the nose, and around the mouth. These wrinkles that appear with facial movement are called dynamic wrinkles. They can make us look old.

Thankfully, we have Botox. When carefully placed in the correct muscles of the face, it reduces and often time eliminates these wrinkles. Botox helps reverse this universal sign of aging and brings youthfulness back to our faces.

One thing I often get asked by patients is “will I look unnatural or frozen? This can be avoided with a detailed consultation and an experienced physician injector. What are you waiting for? Book your consultation today!


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